
Executed for cannabis in Singapore —amid tentative progress in Southeast Asia

Posted on May 1st, 2023 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , , .

South East AsiaSingapore just executed a man for cannabis—and for just one kilo. Even worse, the trial appears not to have even met basic standards for fairness. This outrage comes just as neighboring Malaysia is finally following through on pledges to limit use of the death penalty—five years after a global outcry when a compassionate care provider was sentenced to be hanged for supplying cannabis oil. Despite the quasi-decriminalization in Thailand, Southeast Asia remains one of the most repressive regions on earth where the herb is concerned.

Cannabis charge weaponized in shocking Los Angeles ICE raid

Posted on July 29th, 2019 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , , .

border wallAn ICE raid in the LA district of Echo Park sparked local outrage, with a longtime resident and pregnant mother of two detained for deportation—despite the fact that the agents apparently had no warrant. Her family is now left struggling—and it all seems based on a cannabis conviction from many years ago.

Prohibition Partners analyze Asian cannabis market

leafA new report by the British think-tank Prohibition Partners foresees a $5.8 billion cannabis market in Asia by 2024—if the tentative seeds of liberalization now witnessed across the continent in fact bear fruit.

UN 'shadow report' blasts drug war as 'failure'

earthAn international network of non-governmental organizations has submitted a "shadow report" to the United Nations, calling the war on drugs a "spectacular failure"—and calling on the world's governments to reconsider it. The report takes heart from the growing official tolerance of cannabis in several countries around the world, but warns of escalating and horrific repression in the name of drug enforcement in several others. Will the UN take heed when it revisits the question of drug policy in 2019?

Vietnamese refugee fights deportation on cannabis charge

Posted on March 5th, 2018 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , .

border wallSeveral Vietnamese immigrants who had been living legally for many years in the United States have been detained by the federal government and are facing possible deportation back to Vietnam—where they may face persecution. They've launched suit against the government over their detention and state of "legal limbo." The government says they violated terms of their status by committing crimes—including growing small quantities of cannabis.

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