Bill Weinberg's blog

Vets speak out for state medical marijuana programs

Posted on November 5th, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , .

medical marijuanaThe VA only pledges not to cut off benefits to military veterans who use medical marijuana if they are enrolled in a state program. Those in states with no such programs remain the lurch. So vets are now speaking out in favor of pending state medical marijuana laws.

Veterans still face VA intransigence on medicinal cannabis

Posted on November 4th, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , .

VA medical marijuana accessAmid continued federal intransigence on recognizing cannabis as legitimate medicine for military veterans, advocates take heart in legislation pending on Capitol Hill that would mandate that the VA study the question.

The death penalty for cannabis —even now

nooseIt's pretty surreal that even as a legal cannabis industry emerges on a global scale, there are still countries that impose outrageously draconian sentences for the herb—up to and including the death penalty.

The egregious case of a man sentenced to death for smuggling two pounds of cannabis into the Southeast Asian city-state of Singapore has focused global attention on the disturbing reality.

Will California's new CBD law become de facto national standard?

Posted on October 14th, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , .

CBDCalifornia has finally taken a step to resolve the ambiguities and inconsistencies in the regulation of hemp-derived CBD — a move that could see the state setting a de facto national standard in light of continued inaction by the US Food & Drug Administration.

Cannabis euphoria in NYC —but for how long?

Posted on October 6th, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

NYCNew York's new Gov. Kathy Hochul is hyping the coming cannabis boom in the state — although no adult-use licenses have yet been issued, and the bureaucracy is just starting to move on this. Meanwhile, the cops in Gotham City are turning a blind eye to small outfits that are setting up tables in the parks and on the sidewalks, selling edibles, extracts and bud. How long will this utopian free-for-all last?

New Yorkers stuck in city's deadly jails for cannabis —even now?

Posted on September 23rd, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , .

prisonersThe horrific and deepening crisis at New York City's principal jail, Rikers Island, was crystalized by the 11th death at the facility this year — that of Isaabdul Karim. Despite a supposed official policy of drawing down the number held at the facility in preparation for its closure, it turns out he was only being held for parole violations. And, despite New York state's new legalization law, one of these concerned cannabis use. Are there others similarly held on cannabis-related violations at the facility that has been called a "moral stain" on the Big Apple?

VA still punishing vets for using medicinal cannabis

Posted on September 21st, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , .

VA medical marijuana accessMilitary veterans continue to be denied much-needed treatment by the VA because of their cannabis use, even in states that have legalized. While there has been some progress on the question, vets are still being cut off—amid a combined national crisis of veteran suicides and opioid abuse.

Criminal element seen in illicit grow ops amid Oregon crackdown

Posted on September 11th, 2021 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , .

OregonAuthorities in southern Oregon are making accusations of criminal labor and environmental practices by illicit cannabis growers—and carrying out militarized raids. The grim headlines are starting to make legalization in the Beaver State look like something of Pyrrhic victory.

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