United States

Cannabis shortages spur new interest in homegrown

Posted on March 26th, 2020 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , , , , .
cannabisLockdowns and economic paralysis imposed by the COVID-19 outbreak are spurring a new emphasis on self-sufficiency. Even before the crisis, medicinal cannabis users facing shortages at local dispensaries were turning to home cultivation.

Cannabis and artificial intelligence: the arrival of robopot?

Posted on March 13th, 2020 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , .

Shadow WatchDigital technology is rapidly colonizing every sphere of human existence, and the cannabis industry is certainly no exception. Entrepreneurs are aggressively plugging the application of artificial intelligence in everything from automating grow operations to matching strains with symptoms they are effective against. But is there a downside?

Bernie or Biden: who's better on pot?

Posted on March 6th, 2020 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , .

BernieWith the Democratic horserace having narrowed into a two-man contest, cannabis voters appear to face a clear-cut choice: Bernie Sanders supports legalization, while Joe Biden has only in recent years come to support decrim. A look at the details, however, reveals that Bernie too has compromised with the Drug War establishment in the past.

Tod Mikuriya: grandfather of medical marijuana

Posted on March 3rd, 2020 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , .

Dr TodIf there is one person with a claim to reviving the pharmacopoeia of cannabis in the post-prohibition age—and thereby undermining prohibition's pseudo-scientific foundations—that person was Tod Mikuriya. The Berkeley psychiatrist, who died in 2007, was hailed as the grandfather of the medical marijuana movement, backing up the activists with unimpeachable scholarly chops—to the rage of the Drug War establishment.

Boomers smoking more cannabis: study

Posted on February 21st, 2020 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , .
cannabisAs the so-called "Boomers" advance in years, they are using cannabis more, a new study reveals. What may have been a symbol of rebellion and the counterculture in their youth, is increasingly seen as medicine to help deal with the challenges of aging.

Pebbles Trippet: the cannabis activist with her own legal 'standard'

Posted on February 20th, 2020 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , .

Pebbles TrippetOne longtime California cannabis activist actually has a legal standard named in her honor. Pebbles Trippet established in the state's courts that the 1996 medical marijuana law implies a right to transport cannabis—a precedent-setting case. And this was but the most notable of her many legal battles.

Jack Herer legacy lives on in California Cannabis Hemp Initiative

Posted on February 19th, 2020 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

Jack HerrerThe legendary hemp crusader Jack Herer drew up a California ballot initiative for a cannabis economy based on maximum freedom. He did not live to see its passage. But amid growing disillusionment with the Prop 64 legalization model, his heirs believe that in 2020, his hour has posthumously arrived.

New Mexico legalization bid racing the clock

Posted on February 6th, 2020 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , , .

New MexicoThe race is on as to which state will be the 12th in the union to legalize cannabis. In New Mexico, measures are pending in both houses of the Legislature, and have the support of the governor. However, the Land of Enchantment isn’t just racing against other states, but its own short legislative session.

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