United States

Ohio becomes 24th state to legalize cannabis (we hope)

Posted on November 8th, 2023 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , .

OhioA majority of Ohio voters have approved a citizens’ initiated measure (Issue 2) legalizing the possession, home cultivation, and retail sale of cannabis for those age 21 or older. "Cannabis legalization is an issue that unites Democrats, Republicans, and Independents," NORML's deputy director Paul Armentano said. "Ohioans have seen similar legalization laws adopted in neighboring states and they know that regulating the cannabis market is preferable to the failed policy of prohibition. It is imperative that elected officials respect the voters' decision and implement this measure in a manner that is consistent with the sentiments of the majority of the electorate."

Crackdown on cannabis 'gray market' in NYC

Posted on August 29th, 2023 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , .

NYCThe long-promised crackdown on unlicensed cannabis sales is finally arriving in New York City. The permanent cannabis carnival in Washington Square has been cleared by the police, and unlicensed stores are being raided. Yet, in a bitter irony, obstacles to the licensed retail sector, including legal challenges, continue to mount.

Montana beats back anti-cannabis backlash

Posted on July 20th, 2023 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

MontanaMontana this spring defeated the latest effort by anti-freedom forces to roll back legalization in Big Sky Country. And state policy has been tweaked to protect small operators, positioning this inland mountain realm to ride out the dilemmas impacting the cannabis industry on the West Coast.

Will raids of Empire Cannabis outlets be a test case for New York's MRTA?

Posted on July 13th, 2023 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , .

NYCNew York City’s Empire Cannabis Clubs has been pushing the proverbial envelope on the possibilities for unlicensed dispensaries that still comply with the law. But raids on two of their Manhattan locations may provide a test case for the viability of this model.

Dasheeda Dawson: NYC cannabis czarina speaks

Posted on June 12th, 2023 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

Dasheeda Dawson

Dasheeda Dawson is “excited to be back home.”

After a long sojourn as a cannabis patient, advocate and entrepreneur in other states, the Brooklyn native is in her home town as New York City’s first cannabis czar—officially, director of Cannabis NYC, a new office created by Mayor Eric Adams.

California's persisting cannabis dystopia

CaliforniaThere is grim news from California, where cannabis industry profits are dropping, robberies of dispensaries are soaring, and police raids on unlicensed growers continue in the Emerald Triangle. Can the seeming slip back into pre-legalization dystopia be arrested?

New York initiates clampdown on unlicensed cannabis

Posted on April 26th, 2023 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

NYCIn a paradox, New York authorities are finally unleashing the long-anticipated crackdown on the state’s legion and proliferating unlicensed cannabis retailers—while the licensing program continues to be slowed by obstacles, including legal challenges.

Delaware becomes 22nd state to legalize cannabis

Posted on April 25th, 2023 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , .

DelawareWith the failure of Democratic Gov. John Carney to either sign or veto two bills on his desk, Delaware became the latest state to legalize cannabis on April 22. Carney allowed House Bill 1 and House Bill 2 to become law without his signature.

Who's new

  • Baba Israel
  • Karr Young
  • John Veit
  • YosephLeib
  • Peter Gorman