
California: price plunge feared as legalization makes ballot

Posted on March 25th, 2010 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , .

CaliforniaThe Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 will appear on California's November ballot, state election officials announced March 24. Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified that the petitions had hundreds of thousands more signatures than the 433,971 minimum needed to qualify. Supporters turned in 694,248 signatures, collecting them in every county except Alpine. County election officials estimated that 523,531 were valid.

Medical Marijuana: The Struggle for Herbal Healing

cannabis ediblesOver the past generation, an informal alliance of activists, cultivators, entrepreneurs and medical professionals have struggled to redefine how the United States views the cannabis plant. Victories at state and municipal levels have created a new field of medicinal treatment for a wide variety of ailments in California and other mostly western states. Medical marijuana marks the starkest point in the divide between an industrial model of healthcare and a millennia-long tradition of herbal self-treatment—because nowhere else has the federal government been so intransigent.

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