"Anonymous" hackstivists threaten to expose Zeta secrets

Posted on October 31st, 2011 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , .

MexicoThe clandestine online activist network Anonymous has released an Internet video demanding that Los Zetas, Mexico's bloodiest drug cartel, release one of its members who was kidnapped from a street protest in Veracruz. The Anonymous spokesman—in tie, jacket and Guy Fawkes mask—says if the Zetas don't release their comrade, it will publish the identities and addresses of the syndicate's associates. Speaking in Spanish with fluent use of Mexican slang, the masked spokesman says: "You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him." Otherwise it threatens to reveal the Zetas' "cars, homes, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession. It won't be difficult; we all know who they are and where they are located."

The Anonymous member was apparently abducted Oct. 6 during a Veracruz protest campaign against the narco-violence, dubbed "Operación Tormenta de Papel" (Operation Paper Storm). The statement claims that Anonymous has the identities of Zeta operatives in law enforcement, media and taxi drivers in several cities across Mexico. It also threatens to expose the 500 users of the Lolita City child pornography site. (Animal Politico, Oct. 29; Houston Chronicle, Terra.com, Oct. 29)

The website of Gustavo Rosario Torres, former prosecutor general of Tabasco state, has been already hacked, apparently the first target of Anonymous' campaign against the Zetas. The page now reads, in lurid lettering against a backdrop of grinning jack-o-lanterns: "Gustavo Rosario es Zeta." It is signed, "Anonymous México." (SPDNoticias, Mexico, Oct. 29)


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