Cannabis market Reports - Thailand


Posted on September 30th


Bangkok is the best place to score weed in Thailand. Tuk-tuk drivers are often able to score. The Pat-Pong district is full of hustlers, sex workers, cops and narcs. Kho San Road, the budget travel and backpacker strip, is a good place to find reefer people, but is also full of scam artists and hotels of negligible security. The islands in the south offer Full Moon parties where German tourists spin glow sticks to techno music all night. Mushrooms, pot and ecstasy flow at these events. Ask your scuba instructor to help you score. Some restaurants on the diving islands offer marijuana edibles and access to a small shack where a waiter cuts bong loads on a stone block, with or without opium. In the north, yoga freaks learn the incredibly salubrious art of Thai massage while opium entusiasts zone out nearby. Chiang Mai is headquarters for the South East Asia sector of the US Drug Enforcement Adminstration, so beware of pushy Americans offereing to help you score. The pot is cheap, usually selling for around $15 for a few grams of olive-green, stringy, syrupy, pretty decent weed compressed into cracker size wafers.

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