Last week, the Obama administration launched a "We the People" website, pledging that any petition to garner 5,000 signatures will receive an official response from President Obama. One of the top petitions so far is demanding the "Pardon of Marc Emery.", which is spearheading the drive, say they only need another 2,600 signatures to have an official presidential comment on Marc. You can sign the petition here. is also collecting signatures to fight Canada's pending Omnibus Crime Bill, the former Bill S-10, which incorporates draconian mandatory minimum measures. The bill, now known as C-10 is currently in second reading before Parliament. Canadians can sign their petition opposing Bill S-10 here.
Photo by PhotoPhreak
Marc Emery goes home
Marc Emery, the Canadian legalization activist whose extradition to the United States for selling pot seeds outraged many in the cannabis community, has been returned to Canada Aug. 12 after serving more than four years of a five-year prison sentence. (High Times)