The website —self-dubbed "Cannabis Users Against Prop 19"—features the following interview with Dennis Peron, California's foremost pioneer of the medical cannabis movement, in which he propounds against Proposition 19, the state's pending legalization initiative.
The site outlines the following bullet points:
How will Prop 19 affect you?
• Are you age 18-20? You will not be allowed to consume cannabis legally under Prop 19. Currently, all you need is a medical recommendation to do so.
• Do you interact with anyone under age of 21? You will be looking at up to 6 months in jail for passing them a joint. (If the person is under 18 you will be looking at up to 7 years in prison.)
• Do you live in the same "space" and a minor? (Space could mean anything from the same house to an entire apartment complex.) You will not be allowed to consume cannabis.
• Do you rent your home? Prop 19 will only allow you to grow cannabis if you have permission from your landlord. Due to the risks involved, many (if not most) California landlords do not allow it. How is this legalization?
• Do you grow cannabis with a doctor recommendation? Prop 19 will likely be interpreted by law enforcement and judges to limit your grow space to 5'x5'.
• Do you provide your extra medical cannabis to dispensaries? It will be a crime to do so if Prop 19 passes. In addition, large Oakland growers and tobacco companies will take control of the market and push you out.
• Do you currently have to use your medical cannabis anywhere but home? Prop 19 will prevent patients from using their medicine anywhere in pubic. Which for many people with illnesses is not always possible.
• Do you sell your extra medical cannabis to other medical patients? Prop 19 will make this practice illegal. Even if you are only selling it to cover your growing cost.
• Do you currently enjoy the use of cannabis free from Government interference? Not only will the Government impose excessive taxes under Prop 19, but the federal government will likely respond with unprecedented action against California cannabis users. "The federal Controlled Substances Act makes it a felony to grow or sell cannabis. California can repeal its own marijuana laws, leaving enforcement to the feds. But it can’t legalize a federal felony. Therefore, any grower or seller paying California taxes on marijuana sales or filing pot-related California regulatory paperwork would be confessing, in writing, to multiple federal crimes."
In the interview, Peron advocates the California Cannabis Initiative as a more far-reaching alternative to Prop 19—but this will not be on the ballot, because it failed to win enough signatures. The "one man" Peron blasts as being behind Prop 19 is presumably Richard Lee of Oaksterdam University. Peron and his Stop 19 cohorts have been dubbed by critics "Stoners Against Legalization."
Next on Global Ganja Report: The pro-19 forces reply.
Photo: Dennis Peron publicity shot
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