Jacob Hunter, Policy Director of the Beyond Prohibition Foundation, was arrested June 10 at the Niagara, Ontario, office of Canadian Justice Minister and Conservative MP Rob Nicholson in what activists are calling "assault and police intimidation."
Jacob Hunter, organizer of recent Conservative MP office occupation protests, was accosted by a police officer while attempting to walk through the front door of Nicholson's constituency office. Hunter was there as part of an ongoing series of protests being held at the offices of Conservative MPs by supporters of Marc Emery.
Hunter was reportedly arrested for "assaulting a police officer". Activists said another individual was also arrested at the scene.
Jodie Emery, wife of imprisoned activist Marc Emery, said an officer arrived at the scene and told protestors to stop filming, and claimed the video camera was "a weapon". Shortly thereafter he grabbed, shoved and arrested Hunter when he tried to follow the officer into Nicholson's office. The entire incident was caught on video despite the officer's attempt to prevent the events from being recorded.
Reports from people at the location maintain Hunter did not engage in any unlawful conduct. "The right to peacefully protest government action is basic and fundamental to our democracy," said Kirk Tousaw, executive director of the Beyond Prohibition Foundation. "Mr. Hunter should not be subject to arrest and possible prosecution for engaging in political activity protected by the Charter and central to the workings of every democracy on Earth."
The Foundation is calling upon the Justice Minster to intervene and ensure that no charges are brought against either of the men arrested. "Mr. Nicholson makes much of his government standing up for the rule of law," said Tousaw. "The Charter is the supreme law of the land. Being arrested for peaceful protest strikes at the very core of our democracy and is an utter rejection of the rule of law. It is time for this government to make clear that the exercise of basic democratic rights will be protected, not prosecuted, in Canada." (Cannabis Culture, June 10)
Photo by PhotoPhreak
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