Cannabis Market Report
A guide to the reefer situation around the globe, culled from our intrepid reporters and YOU, the Global Ganja Report reading public. Please peruse our various locales and add your own experiences, photos and tips on how to score, grow and avoid the law. If you like any of the pictures you see on the site and want a professionally-printed 8X10, postcard, or poster for your grow room, cubicle, locker, boat, gym, bedroom, home or office, visit our smugmug site at: http://globalganjareport.smugmug.com/
For more detailed information on cannabis market prices go to the ever-dependable, punctilliously maintained, reader-derived Trans-high Market Quotations from High Times Magazine at: http://hightimes.com/lounge/ht_admin/6734
More Reports »Local laws
Don't Get Popped! Know Your Rights!
To find out more about the legal situation In various locales, check the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws http://norml.org and the US State Department's International Narcotics Control Strategy Report http://www.state.gov/p/inl/rls/nrcrpt/2010/index.htm, a very handy country-by-country profiles of the drug scene. A must read for smugglers.
Weapons possession charges added to drug charges significantly add years to prison sentences, especially in major American cities like New York and Boston.