Cannabis Market Report - California

California - Links

Proposition 19 full text

Survey USA Poll Gives California Marijuana Initiative Ten Point Lead
From Cannabis Culture

Rolling Stone calls California marijuana vote primetime for pot
The new issue of Rolling Stone magazine features a lengthy report on California's ballot fight to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The piece, entitled, "Just Say Now," declares that "Californians will vote this fall on whether to legalize marijuana - and the measure has a real shot at passing."

NORML’s list of California Collectives and Cooperatives, Delivery Services and Doctors.

NORML’s list of medical marijuana-friendly doctors.

NORML’s Take on Californian medical marijuana.

California's Marijuana Legalization Initiative is Already a Winner
Details about California's Proposition 19

The British Consulate has a few offices in California

The DEA’s take on medical marijuana.

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